I can select the price to show on the invoice based on incoterms
I can generate invoice or supplier/vendor payables for containers with multiple materials
I can create a credit note
I can create a debit note
I can define the settings of invoices or payables
I can change back the status of the invoice/payable from completed to draft
I can preview an invoice or a payable
I can record payments against debit and credit notes
I can create invoices and payables with a negative value
I can manipulate the invoice/report generator
I can track the invoice or payable generation progress
I can view and use existing Credits and Debits
I can generate a pro forma invoice from a sale
I can link multiple proforma to a commercial invoice
I can generate a commercial invoice from containers
I can link a commercial invoice with a pro forma invoice already paid
I can close or re-open a truck/ctn to be invoiced
I can generate a proforma invoice
I can track trucks or containers to be invoiced
I can generate an invoice from trucks
I can generate a commercial invoice while switching volume unit
I can refresh prices and values when generating invoices or payables
I can create an invoice from scratch
I can approve or reject (validate) an invoice
I can generate a supplier payable from trucks
I can upload a supplier or a vendor invoice in the payable list
I can generate vendor payables from "To be reported" page
I can close or re-open a truck/ctn to be reported
I can generate a supplier payable from containers
I can track trucks or containers to be reported
I can generate supplier payables from "To be reported" page
I can create a supplier payable for advance