[Export] Shipments
I can create a shipment
I can generate shipping documents
I can split a shipment
I can record and invoice unexpected costs on a shipment
I can update the document stepper for a shipment
I can filter on "Document released?" in the "Shipments" page
I can access my unexpected cost list
I can create a shipment straight after an allocation
I can capture the tracking number and the release date
I can merge shipments
I can track the shipment progress
I can add a new container / BL tracking
I can delete a shipment
I can add loads to an existing shipment
[Export] Loading & Packing
I can upload in bulk container procedure details (via Excel template)
I can bulk upload loading details on item level
I can capture loading details by item
I can record invoicing info along with the loading info
I can handle the loading container procedure (Export)
I can bulk upload loading details by material
I can generate and download an empty Packing List for data upload
I can view and update my logistics options
I can see the total net weight when adding deviations for loadings, deliveries, and receptions
I can record loadings from multiple sites/suppliers in a single container
I can remove delivery, loading or booking details
I can mark the closing steps of a progress stepper as completed
I can use the document stepper