Articles on: Logistic rate management

I can use an all-in rate in a booking

Creation Date: March 21, 2023

Created By: Akhil Vanjani

View most recent version 


# Jules AI

1. Go to Jules AI

2. Select the containers and click on "Booking - Freight"

This can be done from "Shipments", "Trucks/Container" and "Purchase" page

3. Fill in the details and click "Next"

Choose "Carrier" as the haulage arrangement 

4. Go to "Choose a logistics option"

The site, POL, and POD fields are prefilled 

5. Look for the freight and select the one you would like to use

Make sure to allocate your purchase first to use this feature

6. You can also add a new "rate" by clicking on the "+" icon

7. Fill in the details and click on "Save"

8. Click on "Save" or "Save & Generate request"

9. Alternatively, to add a new rate you can go to "Logistic rate" and click on "Rate management" under "Export"

10. Click on "Add a transport rate"

11. Fill in the details and click on "Save"

Updated on: 18/07/2024

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