Articles on: Purchases, Sales & Allocations

I can update the Formula price || Price my containers

In this article, you'll learn how to update formula price or price loads within Jules

Step 1: Navigate to the Loads tab. Select Load and click on Price Formula.

Step 2: Observe the information populated from the operation for the pricing.

Step 3: Set the price fixation progress to 35% & Adjust the recovery percentage to 92%. Notice how the quantity and price adjust accordingly.

Step 5: Click on the Split price button to divide the price.

Step 6: Modify the index value, Set a new price fixation progress & Change the recovery percentage again. Observe how the quantity and price adjust in response.

Step 9: Delete a price split if necessary. Deselect the temporary price if the price has been confirmed.

Step 10: Click on save to finalize your changes.

And that's it! You've now learned how to update formula price or price loads within Jules.

Updated on: 20/12/2024

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