I can generate invoice or supplier/vendor payables for containers with multiple materials
Creation Date: February 16, 2023
Created By: Akhil Vanjani
View most recent version on Tango
You can do the same for invoices or vendor payables
Created By: Akhil Vanjani
View most recent version on Tango
1. Go to Jules AI
2. Go to the "Containers" tab of the purchase, select the container, and click on "Invoice/Report"
3. Click on "Create supplier payable"
You can do the same for invoices or vendor payables
4. Edit the details if required (by clicking on "Report details") and select the correct supplier payable template and scroll down
5. Here you can see details of multiple materials (weight, unit price, total amount per material)
6. You can also delete the material row from here and create a separate supplier payables (by material)
7. Click on "Save as draft" or on "Mark as complete"
8. Click on the supplier payables to download it
Updated on: 18/07/2024
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