Articles on: Invoices, Payables & Payments

I can generate a proforma invoice

Generating and Editing the Invoice

Step 1: Navigate to the sales module on the sales page.

Step 2: Choose the sale to work on.

Step 3: Click on Generate an Invoice.

Step 4: Select the template.

Step 5: Choose the volume units and currency. After making the selection, click on Save.

Step 6: Notice that the advance payment section auto-fills with the information from the sales creation.

Step 7: Edit the advance payment if necessary.

Step 8: You can specify advance in percentage or in amount.

Step 9: Select the due date.

Step 10: Save the Proforma invoice as a draft, preview it, or download it.

Visualizing the Proforma Invoice

Step 1: Once the invoice is saved, navigate to the invoice and payables model.

Step 2: Go to the invoices page and then to the invoices tab.

Step 3: From here, the created pro forma invoice will be displayed.

Updated on: 17/09/2024

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