I can create a supplier payable for advance
This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on generating a supplier payable for advance in Jules.
Start on the purchase page:
Step 1: Navigate to a purchase.
Step 2: Click on the generate a supplier payable dollar icon.
Proceed to the settings page:
Step 1: Select a template type, navigate through display settings, and set up general settings.
Step 2: Populate all the details and click on save.
Step 3: Scroll down to the advanced payment option. It's prefilled from the purchase form.
Step 4: Adjust the advanced payment manually if needed. Change it from a percentage to an actual number if necessary. In this case, keep the advanced payment as a percentage.
Step 5: Note that the balance to pay and advance amount to pay will adjust automatically based on the advance payment applied.
Step 6: After populating all the details, assign a due date.
Step 7: Remember, the date is a mandatory field. Click on save.
Step 8: Choose to save the payable as a draft, save and preview it, or save and download it. In this case, save it as a draft.
Step 9: The payable is now saved as a draft.
Check the payable on the payables page:
Step 1: Navigate to the payables page to confirm the saved payable.
Step 2: Navigate to the payables tab. The payable appears in a pro forma status.
Step 3: Edit the payable, send it as an email, upload a document for it, or delete it as needed.
Step 4: Select the payable to mark all as paid, add a payment, approve it, reject it, or send an email.
This concludes the tutorial on creating a supplier payable for advance in Jules.
Updated on: 08/10/2024
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