Articles on: Master data

I can create a Supplier and Site while recording a purchase

This guide walks through the process of adding a new supplier and site in the Purchases module.

Adding a New Supplier

Step 1: Navigate to the Purchases module and select the Purchases (Trading) page.

Step 2: Click on Add a purchase.

Step 3: In the Supplier field, type the name of the new supplier and click on Add.

Step 4: A pop-up window appears. Fill in all the necessary details of the supplier.

Step 5: Click on Next. On the following page, enter the supplier's bank details and address.

Step 6: After entering all the details, click on Save.

The new supplier is now created.

Adding a New Site

Step 1: Navigate to the Supplier Side field and type the new name. Click on Add.

Step 2: A similar pop-up window appears. Fill in the associate's company, design name, market types, currency, and volume.

Step 3: Click on Next. On the following page, enter the loading address and fill in the Loading Info details.

Step 4: Click on Save.

The new site is now created.

Updated on: 06/12/2024

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