I can create a sale with multiple materials/commodities
This guide explains how to create a sale with various materials or commodities in Jules.
Navigate to the Sales page.

Click on Add a Sale.

Note that all fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory. For a detailed understanding of the sale creation process, refer to the '[How to create a sale](https://julesai.clueso.io/guide/19467856-d3fd-4a3c-99aa-fbec082dd0f3)' tutorial in the knowledge base.
Proceed to create a sale.
Select a material.

Enter the quantity.

Click on the arrow next to Save.

Click on Save and Add Material.

Choose the material to add.

Enter its quantity.

Click on Save. The selected material is now added to the sale.
To add more materials to the sale, click on Add Material and repeat the same steps.

This completes the process of creating a sale with multiple materials or commodities in Jules.
Updated on: 09/08/2024
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