I can create a back-to-back trade
This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on creating a back-to-back trade in Jules.
Step 1: Navigate to the purchase page and Add a Purchase.
Step 2: Fill out all fields marked with a red asterisk. These are mandatory.
Step 3: Populate all the details in the fields and select Next.
Step 4: Choose the required material, enter quantity, and select incoterm.
Step 5: Once all fields are filled, click on the arrow next to Save and click on Save and Create a New Sale.
Step 6: This action will save your purchase and open up the sales form to create a sale
Step 7: Click on Next. The material details and quantity should auto-populate as this is a back-to-back trade from a purchase.
Step 8: After filling out all the details, click on Save. This action successfully creates the sale.
Reviewing Allocation of Purchase to the Sale
Step 1: Navigate to the Allocations tab from the created purchase.
Step 2: Observe that the created purchase has been allocated to the sale.
This tutorial has demonstrated how to create a back-to-back trade in Jules.
Updated on: 06/08/2024
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