Articles on: Invoices, Payables & Payments

I can close or re-open a truck/ctn to be reported

Date: January 19, 2023

Author: Jean-Philippe Boul

Source: Tango


1. Go to Jules AI

2. Select the trucks or containers you want to close

3. Click on "Close"

4. To confirm you raction click on "Yes, close"

The action of closing trucks/containers should be done when you have finished generating the reports for the given selection. The "Progress" (column) moves to "Closed"

5. You can easily find them by filtering by status "Closed"

6. Here you only see closed trucks or containers

7. To undo the action and re-open the elements, repeat the same selection

8. And click on "Open"

9. And confirm your action by clicking on "Yes, open"


Updated on: 18/07/2024

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