Articles on: Purchases, Sales & Allocations

I can cancel and edit a purchase or a sale opportunity

This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on how to cancel and edit opportunities in the purchases & sales module.

Step 1: Navigate to the sales module or purchase module.

Step 2: Open the sales page or purchase trading page.

Step 3: Access the sales opportunities or purchase opportunities tab.

This method applies to both sales and purchase options.

Cancelling an Opportunity

Step 1: Scroll to the end of the row and select Details.

Step 2: Choose Cancel.

Step 3: A pop-up will appear. Select the cancellation reason.

Step 4: Confirm by clicking Confirm.

Step 5: Click on the Lost and Cancelled as Purchases tab to display cancelled deals.

Editing an Opportunity

Step 1: Navigate to the Purchase or Sales opportunity tab.

Step 2: Select your purchase.

From this point, it's possible to edit the status or change the details of the opportunity.

Updated on: 17/09/2024

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